Today I spent some time making a list of all the things we'll need on our East Coast trip. We leave this weekend (I'm so excited!), so I'm trying to get everything organized in the next couple of days to alleviate any last minute stress. We'll be staying in different hotels and B&Bs, with stops at my Aunt's and Uncle's in the middle (Vermont and New York) so thankfully we'll be able to do laundry at least once. Lately I've become a big time overpacker, so I'm looking forward to packing simply and intentionally, rather than bringing anything and everything I could possibly want or need.
Hank, Henry and I have done a month+ long trip a few times before Charlie was born, but this time it's everyone and it feels like 100x more stuff due to the diapers, wipes, stroller, two carseats, an Ergo, and a portable crib. We've traveled a lot with the boys but never for this long with I thought I would ask if anyone has any tried and true travel tips for extended vacations with little ones or even just on your own! It would be awesome to learn a new tip we can put into practice.
I'm all ears! And when we return I'll write a follow up post sharing what worked and what didn't.