Explore Arizona: Horseshoe Bend

Horseshoe Bend. This is another one of those places we've passed so many times while headed to Lake Powell and I'm so glad I finally got to see it. It's beautiful, and as we walked the .75 miles up the hill to the top, I had no idea what to expect! It totally blew me away though, with the gorgeous water color, that green moss contrasting with the red rocks, and just sheer size. I love places that make me feel so small.

Have you ever been? It's a quick stop that is totally worth it, in my opinion. It's located just north of the Grand Canyon and outside Page, Arizona. Alana, Erinn and I had a bit of a hard time finding it, which seemed so weird and funny once we DID, because it's so obvious. It's an easy turn off, which ample parking, and you simply walk down a short path to get there. There's no railing of any kind, and I was very nervous to see so many little kids running around and people bending over backwards trying to get the entire landscape into their selfie. Scary.

After getting lost and then finding simplified directions, the best way to go is just to look for the well-marked turnout between mileposts 544 and 545 on 89. That's it! If you stumble upon a detailed list of directions DO NOT follow it! Trust me. It's much more simple than you're led to believe.

Let me know if you decide to check it out, and happy exploring! I'll be back soon sharing photos from Antelope Canyon.