Weekend Links

You guys! It's been so long since I've done a Weekend Links post and I'm really excited to share one today. I hope you enjoy what I've put together.

Just 20% of Republican women want to see a female president.

Are you planning on seeing the Fifty Shades movie?

Yes: Stop complaining about the 'January People' at the gym...

How to avoid gossip in a small town.

Problems Carrie Bradshaw would never, ever have today.

15 places that should be on your travel bucket list.

I always enjoy reading Megan's Currently posts.

Growing Up Meant Learning How to Wear Red Lipstick.

"But Swift, who loves to do things like surprise fans with Christmas gifts and give them cash for dinner, seems less interested in actual female collaboration and partnership than the appearance thereof."

I can't wait to see this movie. And this new Netflix series!

I love this so much. It makes me sad that I don't see people reading "real" books as much anymore. I use my Kindle about 85% of the time myself, so perhaps I should work on picking up a paper book more often.

And finally, to fall in love with anyone, read this.  And to fall out of love, do this...

Have a great weekend! xoxo