I've been writing this post in my head for a few weeks, thinking about the past year and the things I've learned. There's so much to say- there always is! But I think 2014 been one of the most interesting years I've had in awhile, because lots of what I thought to be true shifted in one way or another. That's a good thing, I think. If we're not growing and changing we're pretty much stuck in the same place, right? And I hope I'm always changing and adapting to what's around me- growing from mistakes, moving forward from where I am, and constantly looking at myself and asking "how can I be better?"
It's interesting sharing things here for so long- really, you've all grown up and changed right along with me over the past eight years (thank you). I started Sometimes Sweet in my early twenties and now I'm in my early thirties. That's a LONG time and a huge span of some very transformative years. If you've been reading since the beginning you know a lot about me from these bits and pieces I share; you might have started reading when I was a newlywed, still a teacher, just beginning to fill up these pages with little stories from our life. Maybe you came aboard when I was pregnant for the first time, post after post chronicling that first baby bump, my mind always going going going, all worries and wonder and excitement. You might have come and gone, as I changed and you changed. The years have flown, haven't they? And now here we are, almost eight years later, an entire blog filled up with this story of my life. I post less, I know that. Last month I posted only eight times. That's the season of our life right now, though. Sometimes blogging.
Blogging is changing; it has changed, both for me and for everyone else too. With the insta-world right there, it's easier to put thoughts there, to fill up those little squares with all of the things I would normally share here. And as life gets busier, I find that blogging slips down on my ladder of priorities. It's okay though, although it does make me sad at times- when I don't blog for awhile a little tiny part of my world feels a bit empty. I promised myself last year though, only the good stuff. If I don't have something I really want to share, don't fill up pages to fill it; quality over quantity whenever and wherever I can. I started this blog or fun, and although over the years it's changed and evolved into other things, the reason for this space is still the same- because I love to write (need to write!) and this place is my online home.
So that's where I am. Home. Times are changing, the world seems to be moving faster and faster, but as that happens all I want to do is go slower and slower. To take time and sit and write. To call a friend instead of text. To go on long walks with Hank and the boys. To tell you some stories I haven't told you before over a cup of tea, you on that side of the screen, me on mine. Enjoy these days as they flutter on by, find beauty in the simplest of things. Slow. Intentional.
As I was writing this I got a sense of goodbye- did you feel that? I think sometimes when you're at the edge of something it can feel like that. Is this the beginning? Or the end? For me this it is the beginning, I know that. As I move forward I want to continue to be present here, maybe eight posts a month, maybe eighteen, but as life moves on and our story evolves, I want to turn the page and continue. So that's what I'll do. Turn the page, tell our story, write these words, continue to capture the little bits of our life in the best way I know how here in this online home of mine (ours). And I hope you'll be here too.
Here's to 2015, and a lot more of this, and you, and me. I'm excited.
I can't help but use this photo for the 1000th time- I love it so much! Credit: Lauren Ristow