
Doing: This! Hello! So I logged into Blogger today so excited to post. I wasn't really sure what I wanted to write about today but I knew I wanted to share something. I realized I haven't written a Currently post in ages, so here I am! How are you guys? I've been so busy lately I haven't had a ton of time to post here, but whenever I find myself in this little box writing something it makes me so happy. And I'm grateful you're here reading, too. Outside of doing this exact thing at this very moment, I'm also eating some Trader Joe's Cat Cookies for People (seriously, these should be outlawed in our house), listening to Henry and Hank talking about who is taller, and there's a basketball game in the background, Lucy and Lauren are eating dinner in the other room, and the baby monitor is humming away while Charlie sleeps. This is our night.

Watching: I haven't had much time to watch too much television, but I have been watching One Tree Hill on Netflix like crazy whenever I find myself on the elliptical. I can't believe I never watched this show as it aired, because I am LOVING it. I'm on Season Two, so no spoilers please, but it's such a treat to find a show I love and be able to watch it in its entirety. I felt the same way when I found Gossip Girl- I was sad I missed it while it was happening, but it was awesome to be able to watch it all at once. Another great Netflix find I recently watched was Chef- have you seen it? It was a wonderful, feel-good movie about fatherhood and food and all sorts of stuff. A friend recommended it to me, and now I recommend it to you!

Planning: We have a lot of traveling coming up but I think the trip I'm MOST excited about is one we just booked...Peru and Machu Picchu! It still doesn't feel real, and we have to wait until next year to go, but it's happening! Last month Emily texted and asked if Hank and I would be interested in going with her and her husband, and without hesitation we said yes. The timing worked out perfectly, and within a week Em had is all planned and we had sent our deposit in. We'll be hiking about 30 miles on the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu with our guide, then spending time in the Amazon before we head home. It's going to be so amazing, and my stomach is kind of flipping from excitement just typing this out.

Thinking about: My sister's divorce is final this week and one of my best friends is going through one herself, so relationships have been on my mind so much lately. I think about my own marriage- the almost eleven years we've spent together and I think about all of the components of it, how it works, etc. I feel very grateful for Hank, and going through this with my dear friends has really shined a light on my own relationship, and how we can grow to be even better partners.

Looking forward to: We leave for the East Coast in just a few weeks, and I'm really looking forward to such a big change of scenery. I have to thank all of you for all of the amazing recommendations. I have some emails to reply to still, but I really can't thank you enough for all of the great ideas you all shared! We're revisiting many of the places on our list, but now we have such great new spots to check out too. Our first stop is Boston and I'm already dreaming of the seafood.

Loving: Charlie and his exploding vocabulary, watching Henry as he continues to learn to read, planning adventures with my sister, working out with Hank, all of the beautiful women in my life and all of the rad stuff they're doing, this Crafting Community afterglow (a post on this past weekend, later this week), and Facetiming with my parents. So much to love.

So, how about you? What are you up to today? Feel free to do your own "currently" post on your blog and link back in the comments for everyone to check out. And thanks again to my dear friend Megan for providing the original inspiration for these posts.

p.s. here's the link to the dress I have on above. <3