Reading: At this very moment I'm reading two very different books: I JUST picked up The Girl on the Train (finally!) at my sister and Mom's insistence. I am a few pages in and liking it. I refused to have them tell me anything about it so I have no idea where it's going and I enjoy that. The reviews I've heard have been amazing, so I'm curious to see if it lives up to the hype. And then the second book I'm finishing up is The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. This one has been all over the place for awhile, and for good reason- it's very inspiring! I started it last year but picked it back up this week to finish and I'm glad I did. We've been minimizing in all areas of our life, but this really gave me the extra push to continue to pare down. Two thumbs up!
Thinking about: Before I began this post I started writing something about loving ourselves and especially loving our bodies. It started when I stumbled upon this quote from Ina May Gaskin: “Even if it has not been your habit throughout your life so far, I recommend that you learn to think positively about your body.” I had a hard time writing the post about it because everything I would get down sounded too rah-rah. It's difficult to say "I love myself!" and "I want everyone to love themselves!" without sounding slightly to incredibly obnoxious, I think (at least for me). And today was not my time to break through that so I shelved it. Maybe for another day. But I will say how much LOVE I have for all of the hiking and climbing I've been doing over the past year or so. It's given me such a different view on a million things in my life, including my body...and for that I'm incredibly grateful.
Listening: I always feel like music for me comes in waves. I have to put effort into finding new music or rediscovering old favorites or I end up listening to the same things all of the time: all of the Gaslight albums, lots of Bon Iver when I'm working, or the same workout songs over and over while I run. But when I take a little bit of time on Spotify and listen to their radio and playlists, I end up getting re-inspired. One of my recent favorites over the past year has been Ben Howard. His voice! I just love him. Some others on current rotation: The Wonder Years, Iron and Wine, and Michael Franti.
Watching: Okay so I decided to watch this season of The Bachelorette and I'm happy I picked it back up! I LOVE Kaitlyn and actually feel like this season feels pretty real, if that's even possible. Shawn is my favorite contestant maybe ever, and he's the one I'm pulling for. We'll see. Feel free to eye roll me anytime now. Other than that (and the new season of OITNB I'm trying to work my way through slowly), I haven't had time to watch much else, so fill me in if there's a great show I'm missing out on!
Loving: Henry and Charlie and how silly and fun they are together, more yoga, planning trips with Hank, Park City in a couple of weeks, Amber coming home next week, summer fruits and veggies, BBQ-ing every weekend, evening strolls with the family, getting enough sleep (working on this!), and lots of hiking.
So, how about you? What are you up to today? Feel free to do your own "currently" post on your blog and link back in the comments for everyone to check out. See all of my previous Currently posts (since 2011!) here.