Christmas Card Photos 2014

I've been sharing these here and there on Instagram, but I wanted to post the rest of our favorites from last month's shoot with our dear friend Lauren Ristow. She has such a knack for capturing the sweetest moments, even when I leave the session wondering how on earth anyone could capture anything with all of the chaos that went on. And if you've ever done a family session with two (or more!) children you know what I mean by chaos. But every time we get our photos back, she's somehow managed to work her Lauren magic and pull out smiles and genuine happiness and that glowy beauty that can be found in everything she touches. I just love her.

We wanted to do a session for our Christmas cards, so we headed out to one of Lauren's secret spots and she snapped away for a good hour or so. She gave me back so many lovely images that it was hard to pick one for the card. I went back and forth on whether to do a fold-out one with numerous photos, or keep it simple with one, and in the end simple won out. And to see which one made the card, scroll to the bottom! We went with Tiny Prints for the fourth year in a row and as always I'm SO happy with how the cards turned out. A little plug for them too- it's not too late to get your holiday cards by Christmas Eve either- just order in the next two days! A few years back I ended up missing that window and ordered New Year's cards instead, and I almost like that idea better, since people can keep them up throughout the entire next year! Pretty neat.

Anyway, thanks for taking a trip back through these photos with me. I tried to narrow it down the best I could, but Lauren is so good I would actually love to share them all, but I think you'd get pretty sick of our faces by then. ;)

p.s. I always get a lot of questions about this dress- you can find it here.


cards c/o Tiny Prints